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Zoom In!!!

....... to a live online talk on the third Wednesday of each month
Scroll to the bottom of the page to see details about our next talk

Please let Geoff King (members@ryedalefamilyhistory.org) know if you wish to attend one of these meetings, and he will send you an email with a link and instructions.

Forthcoming Wednesday meetings: Live and via Zoom 

2025 TALKS

15 Jan



‘Heroes & Ghosts’

Michael Hallett


19 Feb



‘York’s Baedeker Raid’

Malcolm Brook


19 Mar



‘Quaker Family History’

Ben Beck


16 Apr



‘Hidden Secrets of the 1939 Register’

Linda Hammond


Our next monthly Zoom meeting 
Wednesday 15th January 2025, at 7.30pm

This will be a ZOOM meeting accessible to all our
members across the country and the world.

Our Speaker is

Michael Hallett

Wing Commander Harold Blackburn MC AFC
How scandal & shame affect genealogy
Heroes & Ghosts is the story of my grandfather Harold Blackburn, a pioneer aviator before World War I and war hero. After the war, scandal struck the family and plunged it into shame for three generations. Along the way, his story was lost, his memorabilia buried in a drawer for decades.
Heroes & Ghosts is “a poignant, aviation-based, family history story relayed with clarity and humour.”
This 45- to 60-minute presentation brings the story of his amazing career to light through the recognition of unconscious shame affecting multiple generations. Our ancestors buried shameful events in the family story, shrouding them in a dense emotional fog.
Shame affects the way memories are carried in a family, both in terms of what is remembered—or allowed to be remembered—and in terms of what mementos survive.
Shame projects forward, hiding the past from future generations like an oil slick. 
Revealing these truths requires a softer approach than conventional, data-driven genealogy. This presentation is suitable for any groups interested in genealogy, family history, aviation, military studies, family trauma, or holistic wellbeing.

The talk will start as 7.30pm so, if joining us on Zoom, make sure you have put all your gardening tools away by 7.15pm made yourself a cup of tea or poured yourself a glass of wine and join us before 7.25pm to enjoy this talk. You can join us, FREE, for this informative talk from the comfort of your own home on Zoom!  

To pre book for any event and to receive the Zoom link prior to the meeting please email Geoff at members@ryedalefamilyhistory.org

   A full report on this talk will be in the next issue of Ryedale Roots